Shinchan movie Buri Buri TreasureTelugu Movie


Crayon Shin-chan: Buriburi Ôkoku no hihô (1994) 

Name: Shinchan movie Buri Buri Treasure


Language : Telugu 

Duration : ​​1h35min 

Rating : ⭐️6.4 IMDB

Genres: 🐵 Animation, Action, 🌋 Adventure, 🤣 Comedy, ✨ Fantasy

Story : Crayon Shin-chan: Buriburi Ôkoku no hihô is a movie starring Akiko Yajima, Keiji Fujiwara, and Miki Narahashi. Shinchan and his lookalike embarks on a journey to defeat forces of a ruthless leader Mr. Anaconda and his forces.

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